Pricing plans

We will be launching multiple pricing plans on September 30, 2023. To access the pricing plan of your choice (excluding the Community plan), simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to and connect your wallet

  2. Choose your price plan and make the payment

  3. Connect your API Key here

Price planFeatures

Community - free

Only for non-commercial usage! * Data sources:

  • active_jettons_info (Actual Jetton prices)

  • jetton_master (Jetton master info)

  • jetton_wallets (Jetton wallets info)

  • nft_current (NFT current owners and prices)

  • nft_collection (NFT collections info)

  • dex_tvl_current (Current DEX TVLs for all pools)

  • ton_usd_rate_latest (TON/USD rate)

  • jetton_burn,jetton_mint (Jetton burn and mint events)

Developer - 9$/month

Commercial usage allowed * Additional data sources:

  • jettons_market_data (History data for all jetton prices)

  • jetton_transfer (All jetton transfers)

  • nft_deals (History of all NFT deals)

  • dex_tvl_history (History of DEX TVL)

  • dex_swaps (All DEX swaps, latency 1-15 min)

  • staking_balance (Nominatros staking balances)

Streaming subscription access

Business - 49$/month

Commercial usage allowed *

Additional data sources:

  • And other...

Pro - contact us

Commercial usage allowed * Special data sources for your task! Contact us to discuss

Explanation about allowed commercial usage:

1. Reselling our data without explicitly granted permission is prohibited 2. Public usage of our data without the re:doubt logo and link is not allowed for all plans except Pro.

Last updated