All NFT related stuff


Current owners and sale ssate of the NFTs

  • address - NFT address, primary key

  • collection - NFT collection address

  • owner - owner

  • price - item price in case it is on sale


NFT sale deals

  • sale_address - smart contract address, primary key

  • address - NFT item address

  • deal_time - deal time

  • seller - previous owner

  • buyer - new owner

  • price - price of the sale


Information from collection smart contract

  • address - collection address

  • owner - admin

  • name, description, image, metadata_url - metadata fields

NFT stats

Additional methods are available in Business subscription plan:


Provides information about owners distribuition in terms of NFT counts. Has arguments:

  • collection_address collection address for analysis

  • ranges - list of ticks to split all values into ranges, must be stored as a string in format like {0, 20, 40}

Returns list of intervals identified by interval_start (inclusive) interval_end (exclusive, null value means infinity) and owners_count - count of unique owners which holds NFTs in the interval.


query test{ api_business_get_nft_owners_distribution( args:{ collection_address:"EQDvRFMYLdxmvY3Tk-cfWMLqDnXF_EclO2Fp4wwj33WhlNFT", ranges: "{0, 20, 40}" } ) { interval_end interval_start owners_count } }


Extended stats for NFT collections. Arguments:

  • collection_address - collection address (required)

  • marketplace - marketplace address (optional)

  • code_hash - code hash of NFT sale contract (optional)

  • interval_start - interval start in unixtime seconds (for volume estimation) (optional)

  • interval_end - interval end in unixtime seconds (for volume estimation) (optional)

Returned fields:

  • floor_price - floor price (optionally filtered by code_hash and marketplace)

  • items - total items in collection

  • burned - total items owned by null address (EQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM9c)

  • listed - total items listed (optionally filtered by code_hash and marketplace)

  • total_volume - total volume (optionally filtered by interval_start, interval_end, code_hash and marketplace)

  • owners - total unique owners

  • unique_owners_index = owners / items * 100 %


History related to either NFT collection or NFT item. Arguments:

  • collection_address - collection address

  • nft_item_address - NFT item address

  • interval_start - interval start in unixtime seconds (optional)

  • interval_end - interval end in unixtime seconds (optional)

  • query_limit - query limit (optional, default 100)

  • query_offset - query offset (optional, default 0)

Returned fields:

  • event_time - event time

  • event_type - event type. Supported types:

    • sale

    • mint

    • init_sale

    • cancel_sale

    • burn

    • transfer

  • nft_item_address - NFT item address

  • nft_item_name - NFT item name

  • nft_item_image - NFT item image

  • current_owner - current owner

  • new_owner - new owner

  • price - price for sale related events

  • is_auction - flag for auctions


Returns top NFT buyers for the last 24 hour period.

Returned fields:

  • buyer - buyer address

  • amount - total sales amount for the period


Returns top NFT collections in terms of sales count for the last 24 hour period.

Returned fields:

  • collection_address - collection address

  • collection_name - collection name

  • collection_image - collection image

  • deal_count - deals count


Returns top NFT owners for the collection. Arguments:

  • collection_address - collection address

Returned fields:

  • owner - owner address

  • nft_count - count of NFTs

  • amount - amount spent on the owner NFTs

  • nft_count_delta - delta in NFTs count for the last 7 days

  • amount_delta - amount of trades for the last 7 days

Last updated